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Using Mendable as a CLI tool


Download Mendable

It is very straightforward. Download and execute the jar file while pointing it to the directory which contains all the Compose-compiler generated metrics files.

Mendable will take care of the rest. It will figure out metrics files of individual modules, parse them, compute and generate a beautiful report for you.


Mennable does not generate Compose compiler Metrics, you would have to generate them and point Mendable to it's output. Read here to know How to generate Compose Compiler Metrics. The following steps assumes that you have a similar gradle setup as to the one described in the link above.

✨ Generate report with a single command ✨

Download and place the jar file in the same folder which contains all the generated Compose compiler metrics (should be YourProject/build/compose_metrics). And then execute the jar file with the following command.

java -jar mendable-app.jar

After executing this command there should be index.html file generated in the same folder, which will contain the combined metrics of all the modules.

✨Configuration ✨

While the above method is the easiest, and should work fine for most of the use cases, Mendable also supports some configuration. The following are the supported options via CLI arguments.

java -jar mendable.jar
    --scanPaths, -i               [Default value : <Current working dir>] -> Paths to the directories containing the composables.txt files (for multiple paths use this format "path1 path2")
    --scanRecursively, -sr        [Default value : false]                 -> Weather to scan the directory recursively or not
    --outputPath, -o              [Default value : <Current working dir>] -> Report output directory
    --outputName, -oName          [Default value : "index"]               -> Name of the output file
    --exportType, -eType          [Default value : "html"]                -> Export type of the output file (html/json)
    --reportType, -rType          [Default value : "all"]                 -> Report type of the output file (all, with_warnings)
    --help, -h                                                            -> Usage info

For example :

java -jar mendable.jar
    --scanRecursively \
    -i "/Users/username/Desktop/Your-project/build/compose_metrics /Users/username/Desktop/Other-project/build/compose_metrics" \
    -o /Users/username/Desktop/Reports \
    -oName Your-project-metrics \
    -eType html \
    -rType all \
java -jar mendable.jar `
    --scanRecursively `
    -i "/Users/username/Desktop/Your-project/build/compose_metrics /Users/username/Desktop/Other-project/build/compose_metrics" `
    -o /Users/username/Desktop/Reports `
    -oName Your-project-metrics `
    -eType html `
    -rType all `

For the above command, files will be read from /Users/username/Desktop/Your-project/build/compose_metrics and /Users/username/Desktop/Other-project/build/compose_metrics by recurisvely going through every directory in these directories and the output file will be saved at /Users/username/Desktop/Reports/Your-project-metrics.html.


While Mendable has capabilities to scan/parse all the different types of metrics files. The HTML/JSON report only targets the <module>-composables.txt files.

And your HTML report should look something like this

Mendable sample screenshot

Other things to know

  • Clicking on the composable's name in the HTML report will copy the name to the clipboard

  • You can build an executable jar yourself by executing the following command in the root of the mendable project

./gradlew mendable-app:clean mendable-app:jar