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Mendable - CLI tool and libraries to scan, parse and render Jetpack Compose compiler metrics as beautiful HTML reports

CLI tool and libraries to
scan, parse and render
Jetpack Compose compiler metrics
as beautiful HTML & JSON reports


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Why Mendable?

If any of the following sounds like one of your requirements:

  1. Scan and find Compose Compiler metrics files in a directory
  2. Parse metrics files into usable, operable Kotlin objects
  3. Render metrics as HTML / JSON reports
  4. Do all of the above with a single command in CLI as well?

then Mendable has you covered.

Mendable scans & parses Compose compiler generated metrics files and renders them as beautiful HTML/JSON reports.Mendable focuses on problematic composable methods, highlighting issues causing parts and filtering out non-problematic ones. It consolidates reports from multiple modules into a single, well-organized HTML page or a JSON report, streamlining the workflow of finding/fixing unstable Composables.

The scan, parse & report parts of Mendable are published as artifacts on Maven Central. If you are building any tooling/libraries arround Compose Compiler Metrics these capabilities of Mendable could give you a significant headstart.

And your HTML report should look something like this

Mendable sample screenshot